30 May 2011

take the which pill?

i woke up with the strangest feeling today. it was as though i'd had 2 16oz. coffees...the really crappy kind that gets you jittery. it was 2 minutes before my usual time to wake up. Being a holiday, i went ahead and called a 10 minute snooze before heading to work. i needed sleep.

i need sleep.

i think my heart needs sleep. my heart is strong, but i suppose even the strongest of hearts gets tired? i skipped my usual missions monday ride. i skipped out on a new ride on a new route too.

i need sleep.

i took some blue pills; not quite sure it'll help. it'd been a while since i'd taken any sort of pill. it made me want to watch the matrix. which was i supposed to take: blue or red?

tonight is a blue night.

09 May 2011

repeat offender

i don't know why i come here
to watch the cursor blink, maybe...
i come expecting to type
expecting the words to flow, y'know

tonight i must say goodbye somehow
your phone would tell me to check the number that's always yours

meh. i should sleep.