30 March 2010

she says no

i could've sworn it was time for it to be gone, but when i woke up this morning at 330, i could tell things are quite the same. it's a shame. i really thought there was something there. it's a bit funny to hear new promises just like old ones. well, maybe funny isn't the right word. hmm, it's almost 4. nothing i can do...might as well catch up on that sleep.

24 March 2010

21 March 2010

it's not a love song

it is a song about feelings...wanting to be in love...

but, it is not a love song. love is not so hurtful.
or at least it shouldn't be..it doesn't matter. it is gone now. .

09 March 2010

i once wondered

(click for larger size)

i once wondered if my recycling mattered. i was reassured that it did, but in the back of my mind there was always a bit of doubt. i suppose i am just easily discouraged. small things never seem to add up to much.

a few days ago, i dropped off my recyclables just as this truck was about to leave. i do not know how long it took to add up, but it did and i am glad i was there to witness it.