26 October 2007


today was a little slow at times. i've started looking at the spanish version of wikipedia. today i found this cool image showing some local-ish history. you will probably have to click and enlarge on this picture. since i'm on that subject, many times the width of this blog cuts off my pictures. the links will take you to the full version, though. often it cuts things out unless i resize...

Imagen:Mexico states evolution.gif - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

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19 October 2007



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17 October 2007

ninja vanish!

I came across this picture, which i never ended up submitting for the website...
i always thought no faces was a strange requirement on district pics.
i don't remember if the video they're watching was educational. I think it might have been the Croc Hunter guy.
if i learned anything, it probably wasn't educational...and full of junk.
no wait, this was the "good" campus.

i'd like a nice camera again. ebay, here i come!


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mi dia en la corte

Today was a splendid October day. It was warmer but still similar to a September afternoon in Connecticut. Cool, windy, cloudy. Nice. I spent the day in court, and eventually ended up paying $12 for the mideameanor inspection sticker offense. I suppose I lost money by not going to work, but in the end I was grateful for being able to enjoy such a wonderful afternoon outdoors.

i went ahead and took the day off. i needed the reminder that there is a world outside of the cubicle.

i've no idea what to write anymore. i used to write about whatever was on my mind. now i can't shake the feeling that its pointless anyway.

its been about a week since i last wrote anything, and i've been killing the radiohead album since then. i like 8 of the 10 songs. i've listened through good headphones, not-so-good headphones, flat out crappy headphones, good pc speakers, cruddy pc speakers, and blown car speakers. i can't seem to get enough; it always feels short. i just added my favourite of the tunes to my playlist (jigsaw falling into place).

a change is coming; i can feel it.

will i be ready?

10 October 2007

a binary release

radiohead released today their new album entitled "in rainbows". today is 1010, and apparently there are a lot of 10 patterns associated with this release. for example, they started announcing 10 days ago of a new release...there are 10 tracks, and i believe the release time was 10am for the uk. but on to better things...

my thoughts on the album title? i don't really like it. i assume it has something to do with the variety theme they have going on. there are a variety of ways you can get the album, and there are a variety of song styles on it. this makes 7 releases for the band, and this album somewhat fuses all those into something new.

i purchased the discbox edition. it includes the drm-free digital download of this morning, and in december i will receive the album on cd, a bonus tracks disc with 8 more songs, album on vinyl, bonus album on vinyl, artwork, lyrics, etc. it was 40£ which is currently about $81 dollars (including shipping and whatnot).

anyway, i've been listening to the album the entire day through a cruddy pc speaker, and now i'm listening through my headphones. i have heard several beatles-esque noises so far. haha. i can't wait to have it on vinyl.

digital analog. hmm.

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07 October 2007


Fredericksburg, TX

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