19 June 2008

hmm. odd.

click to enlarge

Today myspace changed many things, including switching to advertisement for the new Batman movie coming soon. I actually looked at it for some time and didn't notice it was a bat until i saw the announcement from (the infamous) tom saying "surely you noticed". I assumed that if i had ads unblocked i would have picked up sooner on what it was meant to be.  I thought the photo  was about New York City early in the new millenium.

I wouldn't doubt that that mixup was on purpose, but that seems odd. It kind of lessens my interest in the movie, unless it was somehow all just coincidence.

18 June 2008

More boring than a 7 watt lightbulb

i am sorry i couldn't come up with a less boring picture. I've been trying out these 7watt cfl bulbs that are supposedly comparable to 25 watts of the old school bulbs. They are kind of expensive when compared to the 9 or 13 watt bulbs that can be found fairly cheap in bulk stores, walmarts, etc etc.

I really like them. We have them in the kitchen, in my bathroom, and in this lamp. the light starts off dim usually, but builds up to have a pretty nice glow and a nice color too.

Initially i had to purchase 1 by 1, but for my bathroom i used a vanity 3 pack. i think its brighter, but basically for the price of 21 watts i get 75ish? not bad. at least i think it works that way. i stink at math!

anyway, they are not for everywhere but they are nice and often provide a comfortable amount of ambient light for cheap. so next time you're replacing a bulb....consider trying one. i'm sure you could give it away if you end up not liking it!

12 June 2008

to flash or not to flash?

i know i said i would stop with the radiohead already, but today i received my concert poster back in its new frame. i think i am already used to seeing it instead of the john lennon poster i've had following me in my rooms for about 9 years now.

this poster was purchased at the May 17th show, and to be honest at first glance i did not like it (but that only lasted about 10 minutes; by the time i finished my pizza i liked it.). as i recall i was holding the fort (our lawn "seats") while my friend got pizzas and something from the merch tables. i think she made a great choice. not to say that the inrainbows stuff wasn't nice, it's just that it looked like bigger versions of the same stuff from the box set. (actually its pretty safe to assume that they are bigger versions of the same stuff) .  if i didn't have the box set, i might have gone for it or for nothing. it is nice to have something from the show.

the artwork is by stanley donwood. his website is slowlydownward.com. i am not sure what i would call the words. the site description says it is "short prose in surreal, irreal and stream of consciousness style"...so i guess i will call it that. The poster has the closing words to "Beautiful Story About".  And y'know...while i'm here i'll admit that i too would like to write a beautiful story about love. I put a link, but since websites have a bad habit of disappearing from one year to the next, well i will also post it here. I hope i did the crediting correctly!


There's just the muffled crunchy sound of teeth grinding and scraping of boots on tarmac or something and a noise far away that maybe is someone crying or a cat and everything moves a bit in the wind but there isn't any noise of that sort of thing. There's a tape on of people talking about probably nothing important at a restaurant and a marching sound that's a bit like a lot of soldiers and a bit like a wheel rubbing against metal but it might not be a tape it's hard to tell. And everyone's run out of jokes because no-ones laughing at anything although they probably would if they had a sense of humour. Probably nothing important. Just a noise in the dark when youre half asleep something behind the curtains don't look its nothing don't look honestly its nothing. Maybe it's the town you live in making these noises or maybe it's you. Just a million mobiles and modems squawking and spluttering and hissing like piss on a fire like a million gallons of piss on an inferno just think of that eh?
Just think of that. Vertebrae being sawn apart sounds like this.

And when I opened the curtains they were taking the set away and packing up for the day, the cameras and lights turned off. The darkness replaced with striplights and and the grey skies the blind whirring of machinery.
I'd like to write a beautiful story about love:

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10 June 2008

wind power

I saw a wide load trailer carrying this towards Austin last Sunday. It took me a minute to figure out what it was, and i'm still not 100% sure. i took a picture and these are some results. I like the brown version better.

09 June 2008

photos from the shop

i like this blur effect on some pictures.

Taxpayer money at work. We really need more highways. More pretty highways. cheaper gas so that more cars can be on the road and repaint the highways brown. sorry, i'm ranting sort of.  anywho, this is construction on a nicer side of town. the colors have been edited for your viewing pleasure.

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05 June 2008

graduation day

today was my nephew's graduation day. i am glad i was able to go before heading off to work. most of my pictures did not come out too well, but here are some i liked anyway.

click to view the large version :)

a view of most of the class

pledge of allegiance

showing off the ring and diploma

the head of a kid with a blue mohawk

04 June 2008

can't sleep, can't eat

todavia esperando. todavia pensando. todavia tratando de ver que tiene de bueno el futuro pero quedandome atrapado en la misma mierda del presente y el pasado. poco a poco se me va borrando todo. poco a poco aprendo, hay cosas que no cambian y deberia aceptarlo en ves de cambiarlo.

maybe one da....scratch that. never. hay veces que nos toca ser realistas.

it's too bad. i liked the idea but i can't ignore that nothing is ever all that great until we paint it and sculpt it and mold it. then it is no longer what it is but rather something processed and _______. ?. yo no se.

and this not sleeping and not eating business...well i guess that's just one of many things to fix.

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02 June 2008


i think i tried this once before. i am ok at typing without errors. it slows my speed down, but really i have all the time in the day to write this out. well ok that's not true. the expressino is all the time in the world. anyway, right now i am not looking at the screen to type this out. d since i find myself cheating sometimes i have even removed my glasses to remove the temptation. anyway, writing like this helps sometimes. right now i would like to go to sleep, but here i have been laying down for about an hour and am still awake as can be. why is it that i can keep sleeping for the longest time sometimes? i mean, i will wake up eat and then be able to go back to sleep right away. without effort. now i am here resorting to old tricks trying to clear my mind and make myself sleepy.

ok i have to admit that i put my glasses back on for a second just to make sure i hadn't accidentally been typing gibberish this whole time. i guess it is still gibberish either way. and now, blank.

what do i want? i want to sleep. i want to eat in peace. i want to stop worrying about all these problems and i want to do that without the help of medication. i say that not because i think i need medication, but because that seems to be the solution many times. well, that's not a solution. at least for me. hmm, i want a new job. i want a satisfying job if one exists for me. i admit that i cheated on typing those last words out a little bit. i wonder if that means i amm getting tired. i am starting to make mistakes with my typing. getting sloppy with my technique. hmm. i want to know what is on some people's minds. i want to know that there is good reason to do things the right way when nobody is watching, other than that i would have to answer to my conscience. i want to break free. i want to break freeeeee. ok that was queen. hmm, anything else you want for christmas? oh wait, i don't celebrate christmas. it felt like i made a list though.

anyway, enough of this blind typing. i am pausing more now trying to figure out what will come next. does that mean my head is getting emptied from thoughts? that doesn't even make sense. well, enough is enough. i am sorry to have wasted your reading time, but it did help make me tired a little. i am tempted to just hit the x ike so many other times. i tend to feel there is no point in posting pointless posts. maybe someone will get a laugh out of it though...or an idea. i dunno. shutting down. goodnight.

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