05 June 2011

the strangest thing

"i'm familiar with that street", i told him.
i couldn't believe it. i punched in the address on my phone and cruised on auto-pilot.
i never expected to be cruising these streets again. i no longer had a reason to, after all.
when the phone told me to turn left, then a right...i remembered that day i heard her give me those same instructions. we chatted the last time i was on this straightaway.

i tried not to think of it.
i pushed it to the back of my mind until i got to my friend's house.
i simply HAD to look it up.
i hit the "view older messages" link and started to fast forward.
it WAS that street. a block and a half...a block and a f*(&@n half.

i tried my best to push it to the back of my mind. i enjoyed the company of my friend.
when it came time to leave, i made sure to head in the opposite direction of that place.

as fate would have it, i saw her parents. i waved...only to be unseen or ignored.
i suspect that would've been her reaction too.

i wanted to tell her. i wanted to call. i wanted to text. i even considered thinking about it until she responded. i didn't bother though. i can't be daydreaming that i mean anything to her. i don't.

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