21 January 2010

the file may be truncated or incomplete. continue?

desperte en la madrugada sintiendo que el corazon estallaba. cerre los ojos. respire profundo. me dormi nuevamente.

today was a nice day. recently i purchased a stylus for my record player. the one i purchased it with was damaged. unfortunately i was not around to realize it and so i'm certain some records are damaged from playing back with a damaged stylus. no matter. i did a little research and found a suitable upgrade (Stanton D6800EEE MKIII), and i am loving it!

today i spent a few hours listening to some records. some old, some new and all of them sounding great. maybe i am exaggerating. maybe my ears are not that great and my brain just interprets it as sounding great. to me it was worth it to purchase a genuine replacement part at 3 or 4 times the cost of one that just works. why? tonight i heard a subtle gasping. tonight that guitar and high hat felt like they were right there. tonight i wish it was tomorrow, so i could go hunt for something else to listen with the volume set at my age.

i know the world has moved on to cd and mp3. i know there have been a gazillion improvements in turntables since 1979. tonights discovery of something new in the old...well, it's the first hint of being happy in a while. now i just need to switch up the tunes a little!

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