30 June 2007

118 mph

every once in a while i feel the urge to try and forget.

i try to forget that a deer can cross my path.

i try to forget that i can go to jail or get a very expensive ticket.

i take a back road.

be quiet and drive.

tonight my speedometer read 118mph. suddenly i remembered everything i tried to forget, and slowed down.

i think speeding is in my blood. i blame it on my last name...

some day i'll have a porsche and smile when i see the back of it :oP

29 June 2007

a series of...events.

today i had my first interview in person. i think it went well, and at the same time i have no idea how it went. the only thing that i was really worried about was being late. it was pouring rain for several hours, and so i had to take a different route because of flooding. normally it would be a 7 minute drive, but since i had to go through speed bumps, duck crossings, stop signs, stop lights, and crazy drivers, it took me about 30. anyway, i hope to hear something soon.

in the meantime i faxed some documents for some other work. i dug up a modem and stuck it in this machine i've been restoring. xp has built in faxing. i really would rather email. it took 22 minutes to send 10 pages. but hey, now i'm setup to fax!

today was also a day for web stuff. i don't like doing websites anymore. why? because nobody ever knows what they want. they know they want a website, but they have no idea what look they want, or many times they don't know what it should say. it'd been about a month since my website had been down. it'd been even longer since i'd done anything to it. well, today i put it back up. i still haven't done anything major to it, but now if someone gets my business card and decides to visit my website, i'll be a little less embarrassed. in case you're wondering, it's www.adkenc.com. oh, and the thoughts section just leads to this blogger website. i dunno, hopefully it won't take me forever to update the media section. i haven't quite figured out what to do with it.

another new thing? well, i'm running out of episodes of "scrubs" to watch on that tv website, so i picked a new show to watch. sometime last year (when I was still on myspace), my then friend put a bulletin out that was just one of a gazillion surveys people fill out. in one of the questions, she said it would be cool if someone got the sex and the city box set. now, i wasn't about to spend $150 for the dvd's...however i did manage to get them all in xvid format by the time her birthday came around in february. anyway, for some reason i still had these files. they take up 30 gigs and took forever to get, so i figured why not. sooooo, i decided i'm going to watch them all since they're all available. i dunno though...they're not as funny as scrubs.

umm, yeah. well i'm off to go drink some tea. yesterday's all-nighter sort of backfired on me. i fell asleep at 5pm and woke up around 9. unfortunately i missed taking out the garbage. eek! i see more maggotts in my future.

oh and hey i filled up my music playlist. let me know if you like any of the tunes...or if i should just take the whole thing off.

27 June 2007


I have no idea why, but lately whenever I see my niece I can't help but think of what's to come. I remember that rainy day when she was born. Now she's just a few years away from being a teenager. I don't really enjoy thinking about what the innocent, smiley girl I know will turn into...
but hey, not every girl goes all crazy, eh?

I should be getting my car back from the auto shop today. I'm crossing my fingers because I have an interview tomorrow. It's very strange how today seemed like a pretty decent day. My brother surprised me by sending me $200 for the camera I left in Guate. The funny thing? I was considering emailing him to tell him he doesn't have to worry about paying me for it. He's come through for me before, and I had thought of giving it to him as a gift. How funny. He came through anyway. Well, maybe when I'm back on my feet again I'll give it back. For now, it couldn't have come at a better time. Bills, bills, bills!
Over the years I've been a bit of a pack rat. I have a lot of old mail that I haven't thrown away for fear of identity theft. I have a bunch of boxes all over the place, and its really not good to be surrounded by so much trash. Today I threw out 2 boxes of junk, and filled a third one up with shredded mail to be recycled. I actually had things from 2002! I still have a lot to go, but its definitely a nice feeling to be a little less of a pack rat.

I also restored a machine that this schmuck I used to work with was throwing away. It actually feels faster than 550 mhz. Maybe its cause I'm such an awesome pc administrator, even if it gets me fired. Muahahahaha!

Anyway, with the throwing away of the boxes and a bit of rearranging of my room...I now have another place to surf/blog/research from....my comfortable bed. Another plus? Now I can stream things to the ps3 without having a loud pc fan in the room. The fan is just as loud as my other (faster) machine, but since its in a different room it won't be such a distraction. Oh, and since I gave it 2 80gb drives, I now have a nice place to backup all my pictures without worry of a hard drive dying.

Anywho, umm...here's the last picture from my trip to Guate. I should be going to sleep now if I'm to wake up at a reasonable hour.

con el abuelito carrera

24 June 2007

/\ \/

what are you doing up so early?

you're just up late.


i put on this movie "sweet sixteen". i'd only seen it once, but i remember liking it. just as i was going to type whatever i was going to type, that was what they said in the movie. i felt it appropriate. crazy Scots. well, actually just a movie...

sometimes i see commercials and imagine people acting that stupid in real life. most of the time it's not so hard to imagine.

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23 June 2007


*my laptop died. it will need a new hard drive to get it working again.

*my car is overheating. from reading on the internet, i need to replace a water pump. it probably will require several hundred dollars to get all it needs done.

*i have bombed my house and the fleas appear to be gone!

*while i was bombing the house, i met up with a friend. it would seem we'll be parting ways soon. it makes me sad, but with the way things are going this year i don't think i'll be as sad as I might have been before.

* after several months of nothing, i missed a call from my dad. i felt it a little strange since normally it's the other way around. i called him back and we chatted for a while.

*i still haven't found a job and its making me a little nervous. i guess its mostly my fault for taking some time to regroup after getting fired. for now, i have a roof over my head and food to eat. oh, and air conditioning, even though I don't like using it.

* a few months ago, i took a computer off someone's hands. there was nothing wrong with it, other than it was "too old" for someone who always wants new stuff. although it was only 550mhz it turns out it had some decent parts. 80gb hard drive, 512mb of ram. not bad for free. i finally loaded it up and am thinking of making it a jukebox / personal video recorder machine.

*my cat has gone missing. it is now the 2nd week he is gone.

*i'm having a hard time sleeping. part of it was the flea problem (although more nerves than actual fleas). i guess the other part is that i have no reason to wake up early. i'm frequently lost on what day it is.

*i've been watching a lot of the show "scrubs". i also finally saw re-animator, howard the duck, and what the &^% do we know? . i've always heard things about these movies, but had never seen them. because i watched them over the web, i feel i have better justification for having cable internet.

*other movies i've recently watched (but had already seen): raiders of the lost ark, indiana jones and the last crusade, pirates of the carribean: curse of the black pearl, pirates of the carribean: dead man's chest, the thin red line (don't bother watching this movie!), platoon, lord of the rings: the two towers, and ok i've seen a lot of movies lately and don't feel like remembering them all.

anyway, i guess that's a sum up of the past couple of weeks. the situation feels a little grim, but i picture myself reading this in the future and thinking that it really wasn't all that bad. granted, i also have this feeling that things will continue to get worse, which also fits in with what i just wrote about things not being so bad...but  anyway i'm feeling ok about it all. i just have to tackle things one at a time. i hope all is well, or at least ok, in your world.


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13 June 2007

si las pulgas no eran suficiente...

tonight i'm having trouble sleeping. (so what else is new?!). I woke up to squeeze myself some lemons for lemonade, and also to take some more cough medicine. its amazing how quickly 6 hours can pass!

i've been blind for some time. ok, i'm not BLIND, but ever since 3rd grade I've worn glasses, and my vision has been pretty bad for a while. I'm quite used to it...and i'm pretty good at getting around when i can't see.

Anyways, i went to turn off the light when i realized that if i had taken one more step, i would have stomped on this spider. i usually walk around barefoot if i get up at night...and needless to say it would have been unpleasant.

we both were there motionless for some time. i actually grabbed my camera with the cracked screen, put batteries in it, took 4 pictures, turned on the computer, and checked the pictures while the spider stayed in the same spot.

once i saw i had a decent picture, i faced the dilemma of throwing my sandal at the spider. i decided against it, and for some reason stomped the sandal on the ground next to it in order to scare it away.

i don't know why i did that. what i used to do when we lived out in the country (and would see some HUGE spiders) was grab a glass with a wide opening and place it over the spider. i would then slide a paper or book underneath...and take the spider outside for release.

the interesting thing about spiders is that they have a pretty good homing "device" on them. they come back if you don't take them far away enough.

anyway, we are going to fumigate because of a rise in ants and fleas (and apparently big spiders). I recently sprayed some, but i think we're going to have to bomb and/or call in some professionals.

anyways, i was having a hard enough time sleeping as it was...but now i'm even worse thinking that this huge spider is gonna come get me with his buddies. maybe i shouldn't watch so many movies.


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a few days ago one of the top searches (not sure if on yahoo or msn) was "LOL, Cats". For some reason I decided to search this tonight. This was the most humorous one for me (so far).

mental_floss magazine - Where Knowledge Junkies Get Their Fix

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11 June 2007


i'm hardly ever sick. i spent most of today with a fever. around 7pm my temperature was 101.1 . Anyways, I have found something annoying for some time now. For some reason, over the counter medicines tend to make it really hard to find dosage information. I just took 2 tablespoons of a nighttime cough medicine. To find that dosage, I had to peel back a label (which actually tore the information on the top and bottom. It was hard to peel.

For prescription medications, it usually says "take x times per day" right there. I wonder why OTC medicines make it such a hassle?

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don't panic

este fin de semana vi la pelicula "the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy". nunca he leido este libro, pero mi ex-compañero del trabajo siempre me comentaba sobre el tema.

esta noche no pude dormir. tengo un poco de fiebre. tengo una sed que no se me quita. tengo tiempo, y no se que hacer con el. mi mente me dice "algo productivo!", pero a la misma ves dice "nada!" y tambien "algo divertido!". claro que...puedo hacer algo productivo que encuentro divertido...pero aqui entra el factor de dolor de cabeza que acompaña la fiebre.

algo me dice que me dentro de unas horas me voy a sentir agotado.

08 June 2007

the fountain

a las 4:22 aprendi el significado de una frase que he visto por varios meses.

a las 4:52 me di cuenta que no iba poder dormir.

a las 5:13 comenze a ver la pelicula "the fountain". la habia querido ver en el cine en Diciembre, pero no encontre nadie con quien verla. El dia que encontre a alguien con quien verla, lo quitaron.

ahora son las 7:21.

tengo ganas de ir caminando a la gasolinera para servirme un cafe gratis (ganaron los Spurs!)

ya no estoy fumando, pero si tuviera uno disponible ahorita seria mi hora para fumarlo.

siento que me comen las pulgas. necesito algo para matarlas.

hay veces que me empujo demasiado.creo que lo herede de mi papa.

ahora a las 7:28 me entra un poco de sueño. quiero quedarme despierto. quiero llamar a alguien.  lastima que a estas horas no hay nadie.

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sponsored links

the sponsored links in gmail kinda freak me out. i've been getting some replies to an email i sent to some former coworkers, and i've noticed that the sponsored links tend to have something to do with what's been said.

my sleep has been crazy lately. i mean, even now...its 3:15am and i'm pretty awake.

and wouldn't you know? a sponsored link is for powernapkit.com.

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06 June 2007

que chistoso

tenia 2 dias de no salir de casa. he estado limpiando, viendo Scrubs via internet, y durmiendo exageradamente. y bueno, ya que sali decidi llevar una caja lleno de papel para reciclar. aqui no hay servicio de reciclaje, pero hay varios lugares donde puedo llevar periodicos y basura que llega en el correo (o sea practicamente todo mi correo). fue alli donde me di cuenta que mi carro estaba re-sucio. lo medio limpie, pero va tomar bastante antes que pueda decir que esta limpio.

entre limpiada encontre lo que pense que estaba perdido para siempre...un disco duro para portatil. sin embargo, no habia manera de saber si era el disco que pensaba...toco instalarlo para ver si era. el disco correcto tendria un sistema operativo de linux. el disco incorrecto tendria archivos o un sistema de windows xp.

encontre chistoso porque resulto ser el sistema de linux...igualito a la ultima ves que lo use. inmediatamente se conecto mi programa de mensajes instantaneos,y alli la vi. a los dos segundos se desconecto. ya la habia borrado de mis contactos, pero por haberme conectado en ese sistema la agrego de nuevo. senti alivio con una decision de hace unos dias.

si vas a ser me amigo, se amigo... no solo cuando necesitas un favor.

y bueno...cambiando un poco de tema. ayer me di cuenta que he pasado demasiado tiempo sin pensar o escribir. asi que...alli veremos si lo puedo corregir.

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04 June 2007


unas de las cosas que deje olvidado fue un disco duro para mi portatil. en realidad, no era MI disco duro, sin embargo era uno extra. lo mas probable es que piensen que no sirve y lo tiren a la basura. porque escribo de esto? porque hoy se murio el disco duro de mi portatil. por ahora lo resusite usando un poco de magia. lo bueno es que logre salvar unos documentos importantes. lo malo es de que ahora me quedo sin portatil hasta que logre comprar un repuesto. por lo menos tengo la torre, pero creo que le tengo que le voy a tener que reemplazar el disco tambien. ay ay ay!

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02 June 2007

weekend update


I once did a geek test, and ended up with a lot of points thanks to having seen all the star treks and star wars. Personally, I've always argued that THAT was more of a movie thing than a geek thing or trekkie thing. Anyways, thanks to HBO and some friends, i've now down the star wars marathon twice. It was a little different this time.

The first time around we did it in the style of 1,1,2,2,2.5,3,3. Just to clarify: SW, Phantom Menace, Empire, attack of the clones, clone war cartoons, sith, and jedi.

HBO did it 123456.

Anyways, now i'm watching Shaun of the Dead...and its a hilarious movie.I'd forgotten.

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luna azul

blue moon, star wars marathon, and friends...


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