but hey, not every girl goes all crazy, eh?
I should be getting my car back from the auto shop today. I'm crossing my fingers because I have an interview tomorrow. It's very strange how today seemed like a pretty decent day. My brother surprised me by sending me $200 for the camera I left in Guate. The funny thing? I was considering emailing him to tell him he doesn't have to worry about paying me for it. He's come through for me before, and I had thought of giving it to him as a gift. How funny. He came through anyway. Well, maybe when I'm back on my feet again I'll give it back. For now, it couldn't have come at a better time. Bills, bills, bills!
Over the years I've been a bit of a pack rat. I have a lot of old mail that I haven't thrown away for fear of identity theft. I have a bunch of boxes all over the place, and its really not good to be surrounded by so much trash. Today I threw out 2 boxes of junk, and filled a third one up with shredded mail to be recycled. I actually had things from 2002! I still have a lot to go, but its definitely a nice feeling to be a little less of a pack rat.
I also restored a machine that this schmuck I used to work with was throwing away. It actually feels faster than 550 mhz. Maybe its cause I'm such an awesome pc administrator, even if it gets me fired. Muahahahaha!
Anyway, with the throwing away of the boxes and a bit of rearranging of my room...I now have another place to surf/blog/research from....my comfortable bed. Another plus? Now I can stream things to the ps3 without having a loud pc fan in the room. The fan is just as loud as my other (faster) machine, but since its in a different room it won't be such a distraction. Oh, and since I gave it 2 80gb drives, I now have a nice place to backup all my pictures without worry of a hard drive dying.
Anywho, umm...here's the last picture from my trip to Guate. I should be going to sleep now if I'm to wake up at a reasonable hour.
con el abuelito carrera
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