23 June 2007


*my laptop died. it will need a new hard drive to get it working again.

*my car is overheating. from reading on the internet, i need to replace a water pump. it probably will require several hundred dollars to get all it needs done.

*i have bombed my house and the fleas appear to be gone!

*while i was bombing the house, i met up with a friend. it would seem we'll be parting ways soon. it makes me sad, but with the way things are going this year i don't think i'll be as sad as I might have been before.

* after several months of nothing, i missed a call from my dad. i felt it a little strange since normally it's the other way around. i called him back and we chatted for a while.

*i still haven't found a job and its making me a little nervous. i guess its mostly my fault for taking some time to regroup after getting fired. for now, i have a roof over my head and food to eat. oh, and air conditioning, even though I don't like using it.

* a few months ago, i took a computer off someone's hands. there was nothing wrong with it, other than it was "too old" for someone who always wants new stuff. although it was only 550mhz it turns out it had some decent parts. 80gb hard drive, 512mb of ram. not bad for free. i finally loaded it up and am thinking of making it a jukebox / personal video recorder machine.

*my cat has gone missing. it is now the 2nd week he is gone.

*i'm having a hard time sleeping. part of it was the flea problem (although more nerves than actual fleas). i guess the other part is that i have no reason to wake up early. i'm frequently lost on what day it is.

*i've been watching a lot of the show "scrubs". i also finally saw re-animator, howard the duck, and what the &^% do we know? . i've always heard things about these movies, but had never seen them. because i watched them over the web, i feel i have better justification for having cable internet.

*other movies i've recently watched (but had already seen): raiders of the lost ark, indiana jones and the last crusade, pirates of the carribean: curse of the black pearl, pirates of the carribean: dead man's chest, the thin red line (don't bother watching this movie!), platoon, lord of the rings: the two towers, and ok i've seen a lot of movies lately and don't feel like remembering them all.

anyway, i guess that's a sum up of the past couple of weeks. the situation feels a little grim, but i picture myself reading this in the future and thinking that it really wasn't all that bad. granted, i also have this feeling that things will continue to get worse, which also fits in with what i just wrote about things not being so bad...but  anyway i'm feeling ok about it all. i just have to tackle things one at a time. i hope all is well, or at least ok, in your world.


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1 comment:

knitaly said...

Did you see Roberto Benigni's film "La vita è bella"?
Maybe it's not your favorite movie type, It's a kind of Charlie Chaplin humour!