01 May 2010

everyone likes that bike but me

every month, every year...it's all the same.

the parking meters are free on the weekends and after 6. i park on the street that almost shares its name with a girl who has never given me the time of night. the street and I have been cool for almost a year. it's far enough to always have an available meter, and it only takes about 4 or 5 minutes on bike to get to the meet-up spot.

my car and favourite bike is still in the shop. on this night, i'm chose to ride the bike with the least things wrong with it. it also happens to be my least favourite bike. it fits me small, i can't get into the lowest gear, and the seat just ain't quite right. i can smoke a lot of folks stuck in that middle gear, but this is a night for cruising.

it started right away. some guy talking his head off about vintage bikes and how he liked this and that off mine. if he weren't taller than me, i probably would've offered to sell it to him. the night rolled on, and all in all ten people came up and complimented this bike. i wish that would happen on my favourite bike.

anywho, time to go pedal some more.

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