17 March 2008

new friend requests!

soa little over a year has passed since i axed my old myspace profile. that profile, myspace,com/adkenc, was friends with quite a lot of people. most of the people i knew at some point or another in real life.

it took me a couple months to cave again and get a new non-adkenc profile. actually, ive had it for over  ayear now. i am currently at 15 friends, well 16 but one is my friend's startup profile so i don't count it.

i don't know that sad would be the word,  but perhaps it is a little enlightening that after a year of having this new nonadkenc profile, i am at 15 friends. i think  for the most part they were all people who requested me as friends.

except for these few people, all the friend requests from crappy porn spammers. how sad is that? well...thanks to my friends for being my friends...

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