i'm happy. i've successfully fixed my sister's laptop, and it appears to be back to normal.
a few weeks ago the processor fan failed, which made the laptop turn off and display the error "fan error" (or something similar) when trying to boot.
it looks like this feature saved the laptop. in this first pic you can see the processor. if you look above and to the left of the yellow exclamation, you see a green square with another darker square inside. to the left of the inside square is a slightly darker spot. i think this was damage from the short time before the fan failure detection.
in this model, the fan is inseperable from the heatsink and so its really annoying because fans are generally cheap and they're making you buy more than just the fan.
i found the fan online for around $45 with free shipping and no taxes. the only other thing i needed was the thermal compound which is a sort of protective goop that goes between the heatsink and the processor. i found it for $3 at a local shop, and actually had quite a bit left over. in the second pic you can see the heatsink after replacement.
in other news, i've started my 2007 tax return, although i didnt get very far. i guess i was really lucky in that during my time unemployed i survived officially with around 500 bucks doing non-tech tech work. unofficially i sold some old computers, my ps3, and i don't remember what else...oh, and my brother saved me by paying me back for a camera i'd left with him in april. anyway, about this other news...
i'm super excited. as of a few minutes ago, my friend and i are going to a debate viewing party this thursday. former president clinton is supposed to be there (at the bar, according to my friend). it would have been nice to see the clinton-obama debate in person, but it just makes more sense to stay in san antonio. also, its pretty impossible as only 100 tickets were made available to the public, and i missed the window to enter into the drawing. for the moment i say i'm undecided, but i think i'm leaning towards obama. more on that some other time.
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