17 October 2007

mi dia en la corte

Today was a splendid October day. It was warmer but still similar to a September afternoon in Connecticut. Cool, windy, cloudy. Nice. I spent the day in court, and eventually ended up paying $12 for the mideameanor inspection sticker offense. I suppose I lost money by not going to work, but in the end I was grateful for being able to enjoy such a wonderful afternoon outdoors.

i went ahead and took the day off. i needed the reminder that there is a world outside of the cubicle.

i've no idea what to write anymore. i used to write about whatever was on my mind. now i can't shake the feeling that its pointless anyway.

its been about a week since i last wrote anything, and i've been killing the radiohead album since then. i like 8 of the 10 songs. i've listened through good headphones, not-so-good headphones, flat out crappy headphones, good pc speakers, cruddy pc speakers, and blown car speakers. i can't seem to get enough; it always feels short. i just added my favourite of the tunes to my playlist (jigsaw falling into place).

a change is coming; i can feel it.

will i be ready?

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