21 March 2007

where do i start, where do i begin?

ah, blank slates. it's been some time since i've been here.



slowly yet surely i tried to ween myself from my affliction. day in, log in, day out, sign off. at work, at home, and even at the fuckin' bar. a place for friends, or so it says...

not a place for family.

not a place for more than friends.

not a place for just aquaintances.

before i killed it, there were only a handful of strangers out of 100 "friends", but would i really call them friends? can i call them friends? friends have my number. friends have my email(s). friends know where i live (or at least some).

i have to say i made a friend or two. that's cool. it's not worth it, though. i gotta rid myself of this hope in something non-existant. i can't keep up this cycle of endless browsing hoping for something that will never be there. i must follow the fortune...

to have a friend, be a friend...

a real one.

it makes it so easy...

detach. reattach. you'll be ok.

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