i found this link on the bottom of some obscure page.
Blogged with Flock
the blogging ___.
i found this link on the bottom of some obscure page.
Blogged with Flock
Every so often I'll wonder what became of people.
Sunday seemed like a good day. I dug up my old, old cell and poked around.
Who is lost? Who is still around?
Then I saw it, all the way at the bottom.
I vividly remember the day she saved it in there. She saved it with a small s, so my phone saved it all the way at the bottom. I saved mine in hers too, and mine is still the same.
I sent a text asking if its still her; I'm not sure why. Suddenly I consider that I probably wouldn't get notified if the phone was cut off. Just as I'm about to call it, I get a reply text.
It's funny, cause that's the fifth or sixth time i see that exact response in a week. I wonder if its a preset, but why would they not put a question mark on the preset?
I try not to be vague when I write back. I write my name and how we know each other, and repeat my initial question to see if its still her.
There is no reply.
There are so many parallels the second time around that its not even funny.
Had (have?) a running joke about my kitty...
this fits pretty well.
heh.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
ah, blank slates. it's been some time since i've been here.
slowly yet surely i tried to ween myself from my affliction. day in, log in, day out, sign off. at work, at home, and even at the fuckin' bar. a place for friends, or so it says...
not a place for family.
not a place for more than friends.
not a place for just aquaintances.
before i killed it, there were only a handful of strangers out of 100 "friends", but would i really call them friends? can i call them friends? friends have my number. friends have my email(s). friends know where i live (or at least some).
i have to say i made a friend or two. that's cool. it's not worth it, though. i gotta rid myself of this hope in something non-existant. i can't keep up this cycle of endless browsing hoping for something that will never be there. i must follow the fortune...
to have a friend, be a friend...
a real one.
it makes it so easy...
detach. reattach. you'll be ok.
Blogged with Flock
well, www.myspace.com/adkenc has gotten the ax.
what now?
less e-friends, or better e-friends...maybe just friends.
work on my website
use flock to blog here.
see you soon,
Blogged with Flock