31 May 2008


blinking cursor as the night rolls on. my headphones are on, but the music has stopped. it's all quiet now save for the drumbeat in my ear from the pressure of the way i lay. it's cutting off circulation to my arm too, but i pay it no mind. there's a mystery that needs solving and i am too tranced out on that  to care if my arm falls off. that mystery has been unsolved for the longest time though, so i guess i'll save my ear and my arm and some energy. time to power down. get some rest. all that jazz.

28 May 2008


would you know it was doe?

would you still say hello?

tonight i visited a foreign land, somewhat of an island really. i'd never tried coffee like that and didn't understand most of the words spoken or sung. i find in these situations its best to keep quiet and figure out what to do that doesn't involve staring at other people. i checked my email and finished my coffee. it was great.

sadly it looks like i won't be going back any time soon. it's probably best though. so, i think i'll start off a week of staying indoors. if i survive maybe i'll try longer.


we never really got there

we just pretended that we had

what's the point of instruments

words are a sawed off shot gun...

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20 May 2008

there's been a mixup.

tonight i put this slideshow together with photos from saturday's radiohead show at the woodlands. the audio is also from this tour, but it is from the charlotte performance. i am really amazed at the sound quality of some of the recordings out there. i really am hoping that somewhere out there someone has the entire audio of the houston show at about the same quality. for now we wait.


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19 May 2008

May 17

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15 May 2008

learning something everyday

i wonder if this means my eyes are sweet...

yesterday i changed contacts and for some reason left the old one on the counter. i guess the ants felt attracted to it, but apparently saline solution and plastic is not good for them. or maybe my counter is not a good place for something that will go in my eye. hmm, i think i can just rinse it off and still use it, right? haha.

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13 May 2008


No se, pero de repente me dieron ganas de ver a Kobe Bryant llorando por perder contra los Spurs ;0) Creo que es porque ellos estan igual que los Spurs en estos momentos. Creo que me gustaria ver eso...pero bueno, por el momento estamos en Nuevo Orleans. Hemos perdido 2 veces, pero en la primera la cagaron por estupideses de fuego. La segunda ves no recuerdo pero lo importante es de que ahorita vamos ganando 2, y en este caso 3 es mejor que 2. jajaja.

bueno, hablando de los spurs, me encontre esta foto cuando jugaron para el dia de madres. Tambien se ve el tipico Go Spurs Go :)

Go Spurs Go!

El coyote honra a su mamá durante el partido 4 en el día de la madre. (Imágenes De D. Clarke Evans/NBAE/Getty)

The Coyote honors his mom during Game 4 on Mother's Day.
(D. Clarke Evans/NBAE/Getty Images)

ok bueno, creo que ya esta por comenzar el partido numero 5. Estamos nuevamente en N.O. y defenitivamente son partidos que definen quien sigue y como hacen en la siguiente ronda. 

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11 May 2008

ha / megapixels

This just made me laugh...

Most internet pirates have access to time machines which allow them to travel to the future and get these cd's and other electronic items. Uh-oh...I don't think I was supposed to share this trade secret.

I dunno, i just found it in a forum. I'm trying to purchase the manu chao cd. amazon.com has it, but i don't know if that's the official way to get it or what. it's like damnit, where's the tip jar? It looks like manu chao will be coming nearby on my birthday. I might try to check them out.


Alongside the highways sometimes there are creative designs or something...in this case we have some rocks.

The picture was taken with the camera in landscape mode (and zoomed all the way out). Now, the top pic has obviously seen photoshop. The bluish yellowish colors, strange rotation border, and the resolution were all changed with photoshop. Y'know ... It's been optimized and shrunken. The second picture is straight from the camera and is from the same exact picture series except that I cropped it with the photobucket uploader. So basically the bottom one is a little snippet of the same picture at it's native size.

10.1 megapixels is pretty cool, but you do end up with considerably large pictures. I definitely see a jump in file size from 6. I think 5 or 6 megapixels is good for most people. More is not always better! Now, what's cool is that the camera has a setting for lower resoluions AND this camera has 7x optical zoom. (In other words the bottom one would be zoomed in more).

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hello past self

I found this picture from 2005. its kind of strange to think back to being 3 years younger. i think i've forgotten how i made this picture, and i think i've forgotten the me from 3 years ago.

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02 May 2008


self portrait in a lightning storm

I have this idea that it would be cool to take a picture of lightning, but found out its not so easy. I gave up that night but took a self portrait with the same settings first.

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