26 September 2007


somewhere between the bridges of Firenze and the Tower of Pisa...I don't know where this gallery is, but i'd like to get in touch with them. any help is appreciated. i'm thinking its in Florence.

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24 September 2007

la misma foto

File 1, File 1 with auto level adjustment , crap.

I don't suppose there's really such a thing as a bad foto. no matter what it turned out like, you can turn it into something else.

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21 September 2007

a funny thing happened on the way to the drive-thru

i find it ironic. This morning I received a traffic ticket for an obstructed license plate (and several other things, none of which speeding). The obstruction? A smoke license plate cover. Why is it ironic? This very day I paid an automated traffic ticket from a camera in Austin, with the smoke license plate cover on it.

needless to say i had to skip breakfast and get there 10 minutes late instead of 15 minutes early on a satisfied stomach.

the good thing about starting a day all wrong, is that the rest of the day seems to be alright.  well, at least for this day.

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09 September 2007

attempt 2.

what the hell happened?

Baton Rouge is sleeping now

phone goes unanswered

05 September 2007

02 September 2007


I think there are several reasons i like this one. Part of it? The buildings.

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viendo fotos

Browsing the bucket-o-photos, I noticed that this was the start of the line.

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un poco sorprendido

la verdad es que no me gusta ir de compras en tienda x, pero estos ultimos dias me he visto con necesidad de ir. hoy senti raro porque me encontre con alguien y nos reconocimos casi al mismo instante. la verdad es que casi nunca reconosco a nadie, y quede sorprendido de que hasta me recorde de su nombre.

pero bueno, se me hace un poco como el final de "y tu mama tambien".

01 September 2007

el primero del mes

i had something of a back to the future moment today.

it's been a while since i've actually seen the movie, but there's a part where Doc Brown tells Marty he remembers when it was all farmland.

I just added Rage Against The Machine's "people of the sun" to my playlist, and I started remembering seeing them in concert in Austin. South Park Meadows was pretty much one big field acting as a music venue. It still has the same name, but now its a shopping center.

my insurance called and told me they were going to start on ~$3700 worth of repairs to my car. I should have it back towards the end of the month. yikes!

this month will also mark my passing into the second half of my second decade. that's 26 if you're wondering. no thoughts on that yet.